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Tropical Paradise


Palinda Kannangara Architects




“Life In Colombo, the commercial capital of Sri Lanka has changed much since the first description of it in Ibn Battuta’s travels. Way back in 14th Century CE, he described a city of clean straight streets ruled over by a Malay prince. After its capture by the Portuguese and the later colonial powers, it was transformed into the chief city and port of the country and remained so till 1982.

Its expansion was accompanied in the 19th Century CE by a garden city laid out by British planners, which inspired the city state of Singapore in its own bid to transform itself. Only vestiges of this remain in the Colombo of recent years which has changed into a bustling metropolis of chic restaurants, elegant shops and high rise living. Now not many people can afford the gardens and quietude that came with the garden city. Today architects like Palinda Kannangara strive to find paradise and peace within the houses themselves taking cues from traditional inward-looking architecture and that of the early modern work of Geoffrey Bawa and Minette de Silva.” – Channa Daswatte

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